About Me

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FANUC CNC is a dedicated platform for sharing and learning about the maintenance and troubleshooting of FANUC CNC machine tools. The website offers a variety of books and software resources for those interested in FANUC education. These materials are hosted on a network drive. Please note that if the data is not downloaded within a certain period, it will be removed. In case you find an article with a broken download link, you are encouraged to leave a comment in the comments section.

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The resources of the FANUC CNC website are stored in the network disk. Smaller resources are generally stored in Google Cloud Disk and Baidu Cloud Disk. Because different countries have different networks, you may not be able to obtain the required information through the network disk normally after paying. Resources, if you encounter such problems, leave a message on the corresponding page of the website to purchase resources, leave your email address, and I will give you your email address and send it to you.

Or send the information to my email djb2924@163.com